Monday, January 19, 2009

On the eve of "change we can count on", we here at Life Commentary are introducing some changes also.
Mr. Dave
Curtiss has joined our crack team of reporters, and editors. Mr. Curtiss has much experience in this field, along with an excellent debate mind, and a practical application opinions. He has permission to say anything and everything, and has the full backing of Life Commentary. We thank him for accepting the invitation to join our commentary, and hope that he will stay for many many moons to come. We hope you will respect him, as you do the others on our staff, but remember to challenge his thinking at every chance. We are confident that he can hold his own.

We have a
remaining job opening to fill our minority requirements.
Smart (wait, that automatically goes with Asian) [Caleb quit laughing)
Cute (again, [most of] the time that automatically goes with Asian)
Again Caleb quit laughing...if only...


Staff Editor S-S


Rhonda said...

Welcome, Dave. Maybe there will be a little more going on here now. It has been a little dry lately. :)

Amber said...

Welcome Dave!! Hope you are not confused with most of the things i say on this blog... although you prolly will be. And i agree with Rhonda. I am hoping that another person will improve on the posts. :)

Anna Joy said...

I am amazed. Let us hope and pray that this blog will see a little more action now!

jimmy said...

Dave, i'm gonna second amber when she says that you'll probably be confused with most of the things she says on here...

Brett, will you put me in charge of interviewing all applicants please? I'll do some serious recruiting...

Rhonda said...

Dave, if you do get confused by what Amber says don't worry, we all do. :)

Anna Joy said...

I third that. Or is it fourth?

Brett, did you actually use the word "cute"?


spyder-slayer™ said...

Sorry jimmy, but I think that I have it under control.
On second thought, an original offer stands...

Kitty, please explain what you mean by my using the word "cute". Is in too "girly" for a guy to use? Or just surprised to see me admit there is such a thing as "cute" girls? Or...or what I'm very confused, I'm sorry? Now don't say you don't want to explain, because I really want to hear your answer.

Dave and Elaine said...

I don't think I will get to confused around here. I am able to hold conversations with Bret and no one here can be that confusing.

Anonymous said...

Dave 1, Bret 0.

Anna Joy said...

I don't want to explain.

Or more accurately, I can't without confusing you even more than you usually are. :D

I shall do my best to try to explain if you are at church tonight. If I remember. Which I probably won't.

And why do you always want me to analyze everything I say and give you a detailed report on why I said it?

Anonymous said...


What if the girls who follow this blog want a non-cute Latino male?

Sounds like a set-up/inside joke....

Deal the card, please.

Anna Joy said...

Lol I could answer that...

But I think it's Bret's call

spyder-slayer™ said...

I'm sorry, but it is imperative that I always hold all the real cards.

However you may have the "joker".
It would just be too bad for all those girls...

(side note, most of that post was and inside joke)

Last thing, some people cant even hide behind "Anonymous".

Very last thing, Anna you know you are welcome to say whatever you want, however I will not me responsible for the content of it.

Anna Joy said...

No comment.

Oh help. I'm starting to sound like Bret.

So this change we can count on...where is it? I see no updates on here!