Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"PLEASE post something!!!!!!!" -amber

Well how about this, you give me a subject that you want my humble opinion on, and I'll give you my very biased and not so humble thoughts on it.


Amber said...

Whatever it is that Interests you.
A Story.
A Place that you have Traveled.

spyder-slayer™ said...

Due to the fact that the editor of this "commentary" (Brett Reed) is just that the "editor" and not the "owner" he can not post anything other then that which pertains to a Biblical or political topic. Therefor no posts concerning the life of his friend (Bret Reed) are forthcoming.

Amber said...


Amber said...

Is this blog not:
Just a thought.

Anna Joy said...

Absolutely, therefore it should be a commentary on the life of Brett! :-D

Amber said...


spyder-slayer™ said...

Ok, let me clarify what seems to be a huge misunderstanding: "LIFE" was or rather now is "The times in which we live". Therefor this site is a commentary or editorial for that parent site.
Exclusive means that the commentary is "exclusive" to the aforementioned person (Brett Reed) and to whomever he allows to post on the commentary. Brett is completely illiterate (wrong use of the word?) to all things other then Biblical or political topics. He must rely on the computer savvy of his friend (Bret Reed) to get the needed information across. I'm very sorry for not fully explaining the fact that "Brett" and "Bret" are not the same person and are related in name only. The positions Brett takes on any topic does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bret and vice versa.

Amber said...

You need to learn how to use Proper English.

Anna Joy said...

I'm confused, but that's okay. If saying all that junk makes you happy, so be it. Just don't expect ME to read it! :)

spyder-slayer™ said...

Wow, I can't "win for losing." Unfortunately you are right, I'm not good in grammar, spelling, or anything that has to do with English. One of the reasons I started this blog was to do something interesting, and work on grammar at the same time. I didn't realize that you two care about things like that, and I will try to be more careful in the future. Feel free to correct anything you see wrong. I'm sure that it will help. Thanks.

Ok, I admit that I was trying to be confusing. My real name is Bret (note the spelling). "Brett" is the spelling for most people with the name "Brett." For whatever reason "Bret" is the spelling my parents chose. "Jimmy" didn't know the real spelling, so he made the blog name "Brett." As you can probably tell I like to debate (argue), so in some cases I must take a unpopular position just for the sake of a good debate. I might or might not agree with the position, but the name "Brett" lets me say anything I want. If you look back (one page) at my first post it explains things better (I hope). I was going to have "jimmy" make it a sticky to the first page, but just forgot to ask him.

Anna Joy said...

Oh, whatEVER you do, NEVER tell me it's okay to correct grammar! I have stopped doing that cause people got mad at me all the time. :) I LOVE to correct the way people talk because my mom is an English Major, and believe you me I TALK RIGHT!!! :-D Ha. Just update your blog, mistakes and all, and I'll be happy!

liberty said...

I can already hear all the groans and sighs when people see that I'm on! :)

Please everyone, do NOT mistake me for Amber! Since she can't come up with anything, I have.

Bret, since you wanted my opinion on Romans 13, I'm asking you to go through and expound upon the first few verses and give me the reasons why you believe what you believe on that passage.

Is that Biblical enough?

Anna Joy said...

I would say so, Lydia! That fits all his requirements for a post. :)

spyder-slayer™ said...

Reading through the last few posts has caused me to rethink some of my convictions:

(1)My grammar is improving
(2)People have a life beyond looking at blogs every 15 minutes
(3)I want or need a wife

*ducks as the shoes come flying*

Could some of you married men please tell me if your wives are always saying “you should do this” or “you should do that?” Thanks!

Just kidding!!!
*ducks again*

Anna- This blog is for the reader, not for the writer, so if you don't like something, comment on it. I promise not to get mad, I've learned it's bad policy to get mad at girls. LOL. My mom is an English major also, but “English” didn't transfer to me. It's a guy thing.

Liberty- Thank you for bringing that argument here. It does meet all the requirements. I'm sure it will improve the quality of a blog which has been “going down hill” lately.

“More to come, don't go away...”

Amber said...

You do know that you can change the name of your blog?? :)

My mom was/isn't a English teacher but English was and always will be the subject i find the most easy to do. :-) It makes the most sense to me and since no one is able to understand me (and my mind) i guess it is just me.
LOL! :)

And as for the trowing of shoes...
i would chose something harder. :)

Amber said...

And by the way...
I haven't gotten as far as Romans 13 so i won't give my opinion for another couple days.

Anna Joy said...

LOL, yeah my brothers did not get that "Good Grammar" gene either....nor do they appreciate their baby sister correcting their speech! :) Well, sometimes, but just cause I'm the baby of the family and get away with way too much.

Yeah, you better duck! :-D

My opinion on the passage in Romans is comin'....I'm still thinking about it!

Amber said...

Anna joy-
(Clears throat loudly)
Youngest siblings do NOT get away with too much!!:)
if anything they get blamed for EVERYHTING!!!
(Can you tell who is the youngest in my Family?? LOL!)

Anna Joy said...

Well, I do, cause see I was born fourteen years after my next oldest sibling, so the others did all their picking, teasing, and blaming on him, and when I came along they were ooooold (21,18,16, my adopted brother wasn't around yet) and didn't care to do anything but love and spoil! :)So since there are so many years between us they spoiled me, and I adored them, and we all get along lovely-ly! :-D And YES, I make up my own words!

spyder-slayer™ said...

Well, in my experience, it has always been and always will be amber's or bebt's fault (right marty?)
For the record, the eldest are never at fault (right rachel?)

Anna Joy said...

Well, I wouldn't know about the oldest....my oldest brother was married and living in Illinois long before I was born! But my second oldest brother surely was (and still is!) responsible for a lot of stuff! :-D

P.S. Who is bebt?? :)

Amber said...

Your LUCKY!!!!
My Oldest Brother moved to Ludington when i was 2, but that doesn't mean he didn't TORTURE me every chance he got!! As for my other brothers,...
They would take me upside down and give me a Swirly!!! At age 5!!!
And they would get me out of bed in the morning without warning and Drop me in the snowbank! You got it EASY!!
And that is just my BROTHERS!!!
Don't get me started on my SISTERS!!

spyder-slayer™ said...

Anna-Do you know her?

amber-OUCH I feel sorry for you.
*nose grows longer*
Somehow I feel that the story is a bit exaggerated, but then again...

I can honestly say I have never given a girl a swirly, it's just not good policy.

spyder-slayer™ said...

o lol my bro just said I put "bebt" ouch he's right!

Anna Joy said...

Oh, BELIEVE ME,my brothers can come up with methods of torture that put Indians and cannibals to shame....I've definitely been through the swirly thing...in a SKIRT no less...I still haven't forgiven him. They do all sorts of in-pardonable things....but inbetween I learned that my brothers are four of the most wonderful people in the world....I love them dearly and would be very blessed if God gave me a husband like one of my brothers.
Wow that was long....but I can go on forever about my family, as you see! Did I mention I have a sister too......:-D No I won't bore you with the details of how awesome she is, don't worry! LOL! :) Oh and my eight nieces and nephews? My parents are pretty great too....uhhh I PROMISE I WILL STOP NOW! Pretty soon no one will listen to me anymore and I'll have to take up talking to myself! :)

Bret: Sort of. Why?

spyder-slayer™ said...

It was a joke...
I thought that you didn't know her name on blogspot. Then I realized that it was I who made the mistake of mistyping "bsbt"

Anna Joy said...

Got it. About five seconds after I posted that. :)

Amber said...

ss- You can go ahead and ask them about it! They don't Deny it either!!