The BEST debate moment ever...(here)
Two questions...
(Number 1) Who do you think won this part of this debate?
(Number 2) What's your stance on the “War in Iraq?"
The BEST debate moment ever...(here)
Two questions...
(Number 1) Who do you think won this part of this debate?
(Number 2) What's your stance on the “War in Iraq?"
It's always hard to say who "wins" a debate. If you wanna know who I think looked better... This clip is practically Ron Paul doing a monologue tirade. Mike Huckabee, on the other hand, appears far more reasonable, confident, and composed.
As for the war, let's see how Saddam Hussein felt about it:
"What remains for Bush... is to understand that they are personally responsible for their crime. The Iraqi people will pursue them for this crime... They will understand what we mean if they know what revenge means to the Arabs." (State-controlled Baghdad Radio, February 6, 1991)
"We will chase [Americans] to every corner at all times. No high tower of steel will protect them against the fire of truth." --Saddam Hussein, Baghdad Radio, February 8, 1991
"Does [America] realize the meaning of every Iraqi becoming a missile that can cross to countries and cities?" --Saddam Hussein, September 29, 1994
"[Iraqis] should intensify struggle and jihad in all fields and by all means..." (State-controlled Iraq TV, October 22, 2000-- following U.S.S. Cole Bombing.)
"The United States reaps the thorns its rulers have planted in the world." --Saddam Hussein, September 12, 2001
"[I]t is possible to turn to biological attack, where a small can, not bigger than the size of a hand, can be used to release viruses that affect everything..." (State-controlled newspaper Babil, September 20, 2001)
Saddam seems, in his own words, to make a strong case for the fact that Iraq supported terrorism against the U.S.
I don't usually get political; I just found this an interesting topic to look into.
So because he (hussein) detests our culture and has a hatred for us and makes that public...that makes him a terrorist? And even if he did support terrorism that gives us the right and incentive to go in and destroy innocent iraqi citizens? If ya look at it from the Iraqi standpoint who's the real terrorists? Maybe if we were a little more concerned about things at home instead of being the global policeman for the Un we wouldnt have so many enemies... Secondly just because Huckabee is a smooth talkin bought and paid for politician doesnt mean he won the debate. Look at the topics and answers instead of the becomes obvious who won the debate. Unless of course you are impressed with the crowd pleasing answers that have made up politics for the 60 years. Wake up
Hemorrhage, I have to disagree with you. We went into Iraq because of
"United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441" but the point is that we are there. Going to my all time favorite quote "He who does not learn history is doomed to repeat it" We made the mistake of leaving early in Afghanistan (in 1989) and Bin Laden/Taliban moved in.
Charlie Wilson's War
LoL you just completely buried yourself with your own statement. I suppose that you dont see the irony in the fact that we are in Iraq becoming more and more hated by other surrounding countries and amassing a enormous amount of debt because of a Un security resolution? We both know that security resolution or not we would be there so please dont try to throw trivial fact at me as a defense for this massive diaster that we have in Iraq. So what is the answer then Spyder? Everytime that there is a threat(like WMD's in we run headfirst into a conflict that there is NO chance of ever winning? Are we to be the Global Policeman for the Un? And do you really think that that if we would have stayed you would have changed anything? I hope that you think this through logically because if you do you will realize that if we had stayed the first time they would have set up shop somewhere else. Im really surprised that you would support this must be a party line thing because if its not i cant wait to hear the reason. I support the men and women that are there stuck in this web of politics and oil control but do i support the scum that put them there......NO Way.Oh and were right about history repeating itself Iraq = Modern Day Vietnam
So what you are saying is that its ok that 4203 and counting men and women are dead because the world agreed with the stupidity of our moronic president? And what does 9/11 have to do with us occupying Iraq????? Im assuming by your former posts and your lack of any in depth understanding of whats really at work here that you're gonna say they supported terrorism right? Well heres a little news flash....if support of terrorism is ground for invading we better hit Iran,North Korea and China next. Do you realize how foolish your argument is? Supposedly (and yes i say supposedly because if you had taken the time to read through some of the independent commisioned report on 9/11 there were numerous departments of state...fbi,cia,etc. that knew of the plot and did nothing to stop it.We wont even go into the rest of the evidence that surrounds the falsehoods that were fed to the American public during the periods surrounding the 9/11 catastrophe.)these terrorists pull off the is invading iraq eliminating or evening the score to use lingo im sure you'll like in any way justified. Flip side scenario here....what if some terrorists from the Us plotted and executed a plan similar to what happened here on 9/11 on...lets say for example...on Korea....does that give the Koreans justification to invade the Us and kill innocent civilians because they are evening the score even though the majority of the population of the Us had no idea what was being plotted or excuted against the Koreans? Debate it all you want but that exactly what we are doing in Iraq. Another funny thing here.....all those countries SUPPOSEDLY support the war and sent troops but by the death toll numbers and budget reports....whos paying for it??? And how did Bush and the Un get all that support...hmmm...oh yeah they had WMD'S.....LIES,LIES and wait....some more LIES. And heres another thing for you to chew on a bit.....if you think we are eliminating terrorism in Iraq i have another little news flash for ya. What do you think the next generation of Iraq's are gonna think of the Us when they have seen there mothers and fathers murdered defending their homeland against an invading force. Oh thats right you dont care...but wait....if a dont care then you're not eliminating're breeding it. So be the goal to eliminate terrorism or to settle a score? Would you stand to defend your homeland if the shoe was on the other foot? Would you hate the enemy and use any tactics you could devise to eliminate them? I would hope that the answer is yes...yet you support a war where we are the invaders without a just cause. Go ahead and stick to your party line....dont think outside what you are fed on the news and main stream media. Who knows what might happen if the majority of Americans were to wake up....Someone like Ron Paul might actually get elected
We are talking about 2 different problems.
#1 Going into Iraq.
#2 Staying in Iraq.
Number 1- We went into Iraq because Iraq didn't follow the rules we laid down following their* defeat in the first gulf war.
* "In violation of Security Council Resolution 1373, Iraq continues to shelter and support terrorist organizations that direct violence against Iran, Israel, and Western governments....And al-Qaida terrorists escaped from Afghanistan are known to be in Iraq."
* U.N. Commission on Human Rights found "extremely grave" human rights violations in 2001.
* Iraqi production and use of weapons of mass destruction (biological weapons, chemical weapons, and long-range missiles), all in violation of U.N. resolutions.
* Iraq used proceeds from the "oil for food" U.N. program to purchase weapons rather than food for its people.
* Iraq flagrantly violated the terms of the weapons inspection program before discontinuing it altogether.
* That Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by its troops in 1991.
* That "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq’s obligations".
We went onto Iraq not just because of WMDs and support for terrorists but because they* ARE or rather were terrorists!!!
For the record we have found WMDs (granted not in as big amounts as thought) and that doesn't mean they couldn't have hidden the WMDs (see pictures) or sent them off to Syria (as some books say)
*By saying "their and they" I mean Saddam Hussein's army/government. NOT the people of Iraq in general.
Problem number 2-(staying in Iraq)
Different terrorists, some from other countrys, have been trying to stop democracy form happening in Iraq. Therefore I see no problem taking them out so that they don't undo all the progress made in the middle east. MOST of the 26,783,383 people in Iraq are HAPPY we are there witnessed by voter turnout, the hanging of Saddam, and many other things.
You mentioned "Iran,North Korea and China supporting terrorism, I must be honest, I really don't know what to do with them...but I just want to prevent another September 11, 2001 (right now its working)
Silly silly world view is soooo tainted.I am impressed with your ability to copy and paste quotes while dodging all the questions that are asked. Maybe you should consider a career in politics. You enjoyed using the word "we" as if it included you and me. Maybe you support the Un but I on the other hand am in direct opposition to it and what it stands for. We the Us did not impose those security resolutions.....the Un did. So if this a Un problem then why are we footing 94% of the bill in manpower and finance? Why are we the global policeman for the Un? The answer is very simple....its because we were going to war with or without the Un. Seeing as how you like to look up quotes and paste em for responses...find the Duelfer report and read it and then post the truth about the WMD'S that were found.Of the 500 or so that were found...literally all of them were remains from the first time we went for an oil grab (aka desert storm).What happened to the massive stock piles and the development facilities that the Iraq military supposedly had in place??? Once again lies to justify an invasion. I really had a good laugh over this one... "We went onto Iraq not just because of WMDs and support for terrorists but because they* ARE or rather were terrorists!!!"....LOL...Hardy Har Har. Please tell me you're kidding?? Please tell me you aren't that naive to actually think that we have eliminated the terrorists from Iraq. Oh yeah...Saddam is dead so all the terrorists retired. So if your statements are true the terrorists(Saddam and his government/army) have been removed from power or killed.......what are we still doing in Iraq???????????? I have two questions that i would appreciate a direct answer to #1 Do you support the United Nations? #2 Do you think that the American form of government we are trying to impose will ever work in Iraq? I hope you take the time to back up your responses.
Been very busy, will answer soon...
Yes, I don't know what I'd do with out copy and paste. Going to my second or maybe third favorite quote "I always have a quotation for everything—it saves original thinking."
In my last comment (not counting the copy/paste) I used the word "we" a grand total of 6 times.
5 of those times I'm talking about the USA and only once the word is used meaning "you and me" (first sentience)
If I missed any other "we" please tell me and I'll explain those also...
I'll skip most of the baloney and add more to to my argument for "GOING INTO IRAQ."
*copy and paste*
It would seem, you (like all the democrats) have 20/20 HINDSIGHT...
Did you support the war at the beginning??? It seems like all you people criticize the war just because of WMDs and the fact is that it was not the only reason we are fighting them
For the record the Duelfer report was written in 2004 (after the war had began)
My comment that's in contention-
"We went onto Iraq not just because of WMDs and support for terrorists but because they ARE or rather were terrorists!!*
Did you stop reading then??? Quoting again from my last comment "Different terrorists, some from other countrys, have been trying to stop democracy form happening in Iraq."
We {for the record this means US (of A)} already beat Saddam Hussein's army (1 kind of terrorist)
We {this means USA)} are now fighting a new enemy (and maybe a remnant of the old) that has decided to take advantage of the situation. We must stay there so that they do not come here to fight us (USA) in our cites (we lost the last time we fought here)
#1 Do you support the United Nations?
A.Yes I support them but I do NOT think they should have any control over us (USA) or what we (USA) do.
#2 Do you think that the American form of government we are trying to impose will ever work in Iraq?
A. Yes we (USA) cannot afford for it not to. It might take until we kill them all, but it will work.
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