The scenario...
Rudolph Giuliani and Hillery Clinton are the candidates for the two major political parties in the USA (Republican and Democratic) in the 2008 election. They are ahead in the polls...for what its worth. Both of the said candidates support abortion, Hill all the way, and Rudy says he's “against it personally”, but is for “womans choice”. Shawn Hannity and Dr. James Dobson had a debate on the issue here (middle of the page under "Dr. James Dobson") and the OP-ED by Dr. Dobson (in the New York Times) is viewable here
The question is...quoting from the OP-ED...
“If neither of the two major political parties nominates an individual who pledges himself or herself to the sanctity of human life, we will join others in voting for a minor-party candidate. Those agreeing with the proposition were invited to stand”.
AFTER listening to the debate and reading the OP-ED, would you have stood (and why)?
BTW this debate MIGHT have a large impact on who I vote for in 08
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