Monday, November 17, 2008

An obamaination?

Ladies and gents, boys and girls, blacks and whites, old and young, fat and ugly...
*pause for laughter/disgust
the United States of America has voted for a new president and that man is Barack Obama. We here at LIFE congratulate him on his victory (albeit over our endorsed candidate) and wish him well on his quest to become a the next "great" president. (on the heels of a great president)

So here is the question as a people, nation, and news outlet, should we show him respect because he is our president? See back in the day the media would go at great length to do what it took to show respect to our president. Or should we rip into him by saying he is an idiot because he is change we cant believe in? Like our current media and people of this nation have done to president Bush. What is the right thing to do and why? Throw it all out here...use the Manifesto if you have to...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008